Monday, July 30, 2007


Welcome to my corner of the internet, part of the 5.3(and declining) percent that isn't some sort of pornography. Right off the bat, the name. I wish I could say there was some deep mystal mantra to it, something you could get on a bumper sticker and use as a crutch to "change your life", but that's sadly not the case. It was a random phrase I uttered while trying to give my friend advice on something. Of course, I was wildly inebriated at the time. But despite that, once the words had left my lips, even I knew that something wasn't quite right, it was missing that certain something....ah, comprehension. I spent a bit of time trying to think of some name for this blog that would encompass most of my interests and traits, then said fuck it and went with this. At the very least, I can say it's unique.

I live in Boston, one of those people you hate that claims to be "taking time off to try and find their path". I work random odd, uninspiring jobs, and in the meantime, my top interests would be football(New England Patriots), music(I've played the guitar for about 6 years, and I'm a big fan of most any type of metal, except power metal. That's honestly like receiving bukkake in your ears. I do like plenty of non-metal stuff as well...expect combinations of bands you wouldn't normally expect.), and videogames.

As for what to expect from this blog, with the preseason right around the corner, it's a safe bet football will be the main topic for the next few months. Some analysis, some parody, and some shit that will make you never read this blog again. As time goes on, I'll be writing about more stuff, be it album reviews, game reviews, or just any thoughts I happen to be having on some aspect of life. It'll be a big wealth of information that will provide your mind with absolutely no nourishment, similar to trying to drink a gallon of air. So stick around maybe you'll actually be entertained.