Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A solution to the war

Let's talk politics right now. Most people are either Republicans or Democrats(Yea there are third parties and independents, but they don't factor in right now). A major point of contention between the two groups is the war. Most Democrats are staunchly opposed to the war and a continued presence in the middle east, and want our troops to be brought back home. Republicans on the other hand, are for the most part pro-war, and believe that we need tuh git the a-rabs uhcuz of that nine eleven. If we're not bombing someone, then something's not right. Now, I rarely, if ever talk politics in this journal. It usually leads to heated arguments and flame wars and I generally try to avoid those things. But I'm making this post because I finally had a stroke of genius, a solution to the war problem. I'll make the Republicans happy because we'll be bombing the utter shit out of something, and the Dems will be satisfied because this is an enemy that definitely deserves retaliation for years and years of pain inflicted upon people worldwide.

Ladies and Gentlemen...I propose we nuke...


"Let's get those cockblockin sonsabitches!"